May 2012

Dear Seniors,

This is our last newsletter, although we reserve the right to send emails up to the last moment – graduation!  With graduation almost here, we know you are getting things all lined up for your next adventures. We both have had conversations with many of you regarding jobs, graduate schools, new locations, starting your own new companies, or embarking on new service projects. 

Graduation is on the horizon, and as you near the completion of your undergraduate experience, you can see that Trinity has scheduled lots of events in the last weeks of the semester to help prepare you for the many transitions to come. Take the time to take advantage of as many of these events as possible – up to the last moments with the post-graduation reception! It is a busy month on the calendar, so don’t miss out on anything. The events that you might focus on in particular are both academic – successfully ending classes and your academic experience at Trinity (unless you are continuing in a graduate program here!); and personal –  forging new, continuing, and different relationships with friends, faculty, staff and family. more>>

Angela Breidenstein        Dave Mansen
Class Marshal                  Alumni Sponsor

Handbell Ensemble Concert Video
In case you missed it, here is a segment of the Trinity University Handbell Ensemble and Trinity Brass concert preview held in the Coates Lobby.

Students attending graduate school or registering for classes at another college or university may require immunization records. You may obtain them from Health Services using the Request for Immunization Records, click here

Dr. Wilder's last clinic is May 10.  If you need to see her before graduation please call now for an appointment at 210-999-8111.

Saying goodbye to friends will be a challenge for many seniors.  Saying goodbye doesn’t come naturally for most of us.  It is so emotionally uncomfortable or logistically awkward that it may consist of little more than one last social event that ends with a perfunctory “Let’s stay in touch!”  But if you would like to do more than just ride into the sunset, read more

Seniors, we at Career Services would like to congratulate you on your graduation this month!  We are excited to see the next steps you take as Trinity grads.  As you move on, remember that we are still here to help you if you run into bumps along the way!  The Career Services office serves alumni as well as students.  If you need assistance transitioning into the working world, preparing for an interview, or looking for job opportunities, we’d be happy to help you.  To schedule an appointment with a Career Advisor, call 210-999-8321.  We wish you all the best as you leave Trinity and embark on your career path! Are you using TigerJobs to find jobs (summer/part-time) and internships? Contact Career Services with questions at

Senior Year Experience section

Have you provided the Mail Center your Mail Forwarding Information?
You have two options!  
1.  Visit     
2.  Stop by the Mail Center and fill out a Mail Forwarding Form 
Note: If you have completed this form online. Please disregard!          

Apply for Graduation
If you are planning to graduate next fall, December 2012, you must apply for graduation by April 30. If you plan to graduate this summer, August 2012, you must apply by June 30. The graduation application is on TigerPAWS. If you plan to graduate this May and have not applied, you need to contact the Registrar's Office immediately!

Residence Hall Closing: Residents are expected to leave 24 hours after their last exam.  Residence halls will close at noon on Wednesday, May 9.  Only graduating seniors will be allowed to remain until noon, Sunday, May 13. See the Senior Closing Memo for more information.

The Library Flash Rave has quickly become a beloved tradition, but over the past couple semesters, it has become a destructive tradition...which can't continue. The Student Programming Board has graciously stepped in to coordinate this event, but they need some help from you to ensure this tradition can last for years to come.  more>>

Dining Services invites you to celebrate Fiesta by keeping the festivities going, from 10 p.m. - 2 in the morning, the P.O.D. Market will be open for Late Night Taco Night!  more>>

Mabuhay Festival

Trinity Diversity Connection hosted Taste of Diversity on April 13 in the Storch Courtyard. This event allowed people to sample foods from different cultures from Caribbean food to Korean food to Indian food. Several organizations showcased their talents with dance and music at the Taste of Diversity.  more>>

Student Organization Training
Congratulations to our 2012-2013 student organization leaders! On Sunday, April 15 more than 200 students gathered for annual Student Organization Training. Presidents, vice presidents, treasurers, service chairs, PR chairs, risk managers, rush/orientation chairs, and more attended sessions that will help their organizations be successful next year. View the agenda and risk management training videos online more>> 

Half Marathon
Please join me for the Fifth Annual Dean of Students Half Marathon Challenge and Kayla Mire Food Drive. Alumni like you are still invited to attend! The race will be part of the San Antonio Rock 'n' Roll Marathon and Half Marathon on Sunday, November 11, 2012. By registering for the official race as a member of the Trinity team, runners receive a $10 registration discount. If you register before May 1, you also save $25. Click here to view a video. Sign up through the Half Marathon survey link. This does not commit you to the race yet. You are only signing up to express interest in the Trinity training program. If you build up a running/walking base of three to four miles, you can accomplish this milestone!